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用ChatGPT3.5问了一下谁是最伟大的西方哲学家(有种来找ChatGPT算一卦的感觉……)。结果得出的结论,有点微妙,或者说,略为出人意料。有苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德这种古希腊哲学三杰,当然,这三个人确实很重要,毋庸赘言。古希腊哲学是西方哲学的起源,这三者入选,实至名归。西方哲学就是柏拉图的注脚,而柏拉图是苏格拉底的学生,亚里士多德又是柏拉图的学生,不把他们师徒仨一起放上来,好像不太恰当。这点应给ChatGPT credits。康德、笛卡尔这些都不用说,应该争议不大,不管是大陆还是英美,康德和笛卡尔都是公认的重要。但后三位有点迷幻,尼采、洛克和休谟,居然没有黑格尔!选了两个德国古典哲学之前的英国哲学家(不能把休谟当成纯粹的经验论者,所以就只好说“德国古典哲学之前”的英国哲学家了),不知道这个评价标准是什么。我倒不是说不能选英国哲学家,而是如果洛克和休谟上榜,那是不是要把莱布尼茨也放上来?只能说,ChatGPT非常地偏重英美哲学了,即使挑选大陆哲学,也是英美比较喜欢的大陆哲学家,比如康德和尼采。当然了,ChatGPT就是个机器人,所给出的评论仅供参考,不用特别当真,看看就好,因为很肤浅,但毕竟是从robot/AI的角度出发,确实很有趣。爆红的ChatGPT,会对人类造成威胁吗?——一个现象学视角至于ChatGPT3.5怎么用,这个就需要一点技术手段了,在这篇文章里就不go into details了。![]()
Socrates: Known as the father of Western philosophy, Socrates focused on ethics and the pursuit of knowledge through critical questioning.Plato: A student of Socrates, Plato is renowned for his philosophical dialogues and his ideas on metaphysics, ethics, and political philosophy.Aristotle: Aristotle, a student of Plato, made significant contributions to logic, biology, ethics, and many other areas. His works laid the foundation for Western philosophy.Immanuel Kant: Kant's philosophy centers around ethics, epistemology, and metaphysics. He developed the concept of categorical imperative and emphasized the importance of reason.René Descartes: Descartes is known for his rationalism and famous statement, "I think, therefore I am." He made significant contributions to mathematics, physics, and philosophy.Friedrich Nietzsche: Nietzsche is known for his critique of traditional values and his concept of the "will to power." His works heavily influenced existentialism and postmodernism.John Locke: Locke's ideas on political philosophy and empiricism were highly influential. He advocated for individual rights, limited government, and the importance of experience.David Hume: Hume's empiricism and skepticism challenged traditional philosophical ideas. His works explored subjects like causality, morality, and the nature of knowledge.